Policies and procedures for Curriculum are established by the CLASS Bylaws, the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate, the Bylaws of the Graduate College in the case of graduate courses or programs, and by the Ohio Board of Regents.
These policies apply to the establishment, modification, and abolition of all curricula, certifications, departments and schools within the College; all department proposals that result in changes to degree or certificate programs; and all proposals that affect a course or curriculum outside of the department making the proposal.
Please note that program changes (e.g., changes in degree/certificate requirements or gen.ed. requirements) cannot usually take effect until the next academic year because of student catalog rights.
CSU uses Curriculog to initiate and approve all curricular changes. It can be found at csuohio.curriculog.com and requires your CSU ID number and password to enter. For questions about Curriculog and software training, please contact the Registrar’s Office.
The Curricular Approval Structure at the bottom of the page provides an overview of what approvals are necessary for specific types of changes. These are all built into Curriculog.
All curricular changes within the College must first be approved by the department/program curriculum committee (if one exists) and the department/program chair. The department/program chair must approve the proposal in Curriculog in order for it to go to the next level of review and approval which is the CLASS Curriculum Committee.
The CLASS Curriculum Committee meets throughout the Academic Year, at least once each month, to review proposals. The Committee does not meet during the summer; submissions made during the summer are held until the beginning of fall semester.
The Curriculum Committee will only review proposals that are in Curriculog and have been approved by the department/program chair at least one full week prior to its next scheduled meeting.
Following approval by the CLASS Curriculum Committee, proposals will be automatically submitted for next level approvals, as needed. Required approvals depend on the nature of the proposal; the accompanying table indicates the necessary steps for different types of approvals.